
Friday, 26 June 2015

Science with Sally

When we were Sally doing science with sally we done an experiment here is a pic of the experiment that we done.
We had to use some sop,sugar and a tooth pic.  


  1. Hi Vika,
    I think it would be really great if could share what you learnt from Sally in your blog post so your audience can get a better idea of what Sally taught Room 13. I like how you have included a picture. Perhaps you could describe what happened when Sally put the soap in the water.

  2. Hi Vika,
    Have you ever did this at your house it could be really fun to do it by yourself + you can learn more as well like how it happened and why.

  3. Hi Vika,
    Have you ever did this at your house it could be really fun to do it by yourself + you can learn more as well like how it happened and why.

  4. ya i agree wiith you
